


(English version below)

2023418-19日联合国教科文组织职业技术教育数字化教席、深圳职业技术学院教科文组织职业技术教育与培训联系中心(UNEVOC Center)与联合国教科文组织驻华代表处、德国国际合作发展机构(GIZ)和蒙古国职业教育培训联盟(VETP)联合举办“中德蒙教科文组织四方合作职业教育领导力研讨会”。会议通过线上形式举行,以职业教育的数字化转型与绿色转型为主题,旨在为蒙古国职业教育院校和机构的领导者提供理论、战略和实践指导,以及促进各国在职业教育数字化和绿色双转型的方面的交流。来自蒙古国70多家职业院校和中心的近200名领导和教师参加了此次研讨会。




7位专家先后就职业教育数字化转型作专题报告。联合国教科文组织职业技术教育数字化教席和深圳职业技术学院教科文组织职业技术教育与培训联系中心的联络人杨文明教授分享了全球视角下职业教育数字化转型的学术前沿与趋势;深圳职业技术学院副校长李月教授分享了深职院在职业教育数字化转型方面的先进经验与案例;德国GIZ数字学习领域专家其其格乌力吉女士分享了蒙古职业教育数字化转型的进展,重点介绍了 “U-TVET”项目管理系统在蒙古职业院校教学与管理上的应用;深圳职业技术学院教科文职教联系中心项目官员、教科文组织国际职教中心借调专家潘柳成先生分享了联合国教科文组织国际职教中心的数字化研究项目的布局与研究成果;深圳职业技术学院人工智能学院副院长池瑞楠教授以人工智能专业群建设为例分享如何开发和建设数字技术新专业;深圳职业技术学院电信学院副院长王永学教授介绍如何与华为公司开展校企合作,培养ICT人才;深圳职业技术学院汽车学院副院长朱小春副教授以汽车专业为例介绍传统专业如何进行数字化转型。




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Enhanced Institutional Capacity towards Digital and Green Transitions in the TVET Sector in Mongolia –

in joint partnership with GIZ, Shenzhen Polytechnic, UNESCO and Mongolia Ministry of Education and Science

The China-Germany-Mongolia-UNESCO Joint TVET Leadership Seminar on Digital and Green Transitions was successfully held online on 18th and 19th April 2023. The main objective of the Seminar was to enhance the skills and knowledge of the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teachers, leaders and experts from the various TVET institutions in Mongolia, by providing them with quality leadership, green and digital competencies, to contribute towards the transition to a green and digitalized economy.

The Seminar was held within the framework of the UN Transforming Education Summit – Greening Education Action pillar, and in alignment with the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) 2030 Roadmap, an ambitious agenda to transform education systems and to ensure all sectors’ mainstream digital and green initiatives are incorporated in TVET. ESD further enhances linkages between people and society, protecting the planet and TVET institutions in responding to the demands of the labour market and green economy.

The Seminar was organized by the UNESCO Chair on Digitalization in TVET & UNEVOC Center at Shenzhen Polytechnic (SZPT) in China, GIZ in Germany, Vocational Education Training Partnership in Mongolia (VETP), and UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Beijing. The workshop was participated by nearly 200 TVET teachers and leaders from more than 70 TVET institutions and centers in Mongolia.

It laid the very solid platform for the TVET community in UNESCO, China, Mongolia and Germany to dialogue, exchange insights, identify challenges, solutions and best practices on digital and green transitions. It will further contribute towards strengthened institutional capacity to promote digital transformation and integration of greening TVET institutions. Many of the presenters emphasized that the TVET leaders have a fundamental role to play in shaping the digital and green transformation agenda of TVET institutions.

The China-Germany-Mongolia-UNESCO Joint TVET Leadership Seminar on Digital and Green Transitions took place online on 18-19 April

Ms. Li Yue, the Vice President of Shenzhen Polytechnic, Ms. Beate Dippmar, Cluster Coordinator of Workforce and Economic Development of GIZ and Ms. Tungalag Chimid, Director of VETP, delivered opening remarks at the Seminar. They all agreed the need to enhance institutional capacity and skills in digital and green transition in TVET sector, and expressed the urgency to strengthen international cooperation to contribute toward 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

During the Seminar sessions, the quality presentations focused on enhanced TVET leadership, green skills, digital skills and transformation in TVET. Prof. Yang Wenming, coordinator of UNESCO Chair on TVET Digitalization and UNEVOC Centre at Shenzhen Polytechnic, presented his expertise and experience on the subject of “A global perspective on digital transformation in TVET”. Prof. Li Yue, Vice President of Shenzhen Polytechnic, described the practices of digital transformation in Shenzhen Polytechnic. Ms. Tsetseg-Ulzii, e-learning expert of the GIZ, contributed with the practices of the digital transformation in Mongolia, focusing on introducing the U-TVET platform for teaching and learning (T&L). Mr. Pan Liucheng, expert on loan of UNESCO-UNEVOC and Programme Officer of UNEVOC Centre at Shenzhen Polytechnic, introduced UNESCO-UNEVOC’s research on digital transformation in TVET. Prof. Chi Ruinan, Deputy Dean of AI School at Shenzhen Polytechnic, shared the promising practice on how to develop digital programmes. Prof. Wang Yongxue, elaborated on the qualifications and education of ICT talents. Lastly, Prof. Zhu Xiaochun, Deputy Dean of School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering at Shenzhen Polytechnic, presented on the digital transformation of traditional TVET programmes.

Representatives from the four organizing partners also shared their valuable insights regarding the TVET digital and green transitions. Mr. Robert Parua, Education Programme Specialist of UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Beijing, presented on Education for Sustainable Development (ESDfor2030) and emphasized on the important role of TVET leaders to promote greening TVET. Mr. Buchel Marco, expert of GIZ, shared the greening practices in Germany. Ms. Enkhgal Tuuguu, senior staff of Polytechnic College of Engineering and Technology (PCET) in Mongolia, presented on the policy and implementation aspects of greening of PCET. Ms. Zhong Zuoya, Programme Officer of UNEVOC Centre at Shenzhen Polytechnic, provided with the greening TVET practices at Shenzhen Polytechnic. And Dr. Wang Xiaoxiang, expert of Institute for Carbon-Neutral Technology at Shenzhen Polytechnic, shared Shenzhen Polytechnic’s innovative solutions to qualification and education of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

Representatives from the four partners sharing their insights

In the closing session of the Seminar, Mr. Robert Parua in his closing remarks acknowledged all the institutional partners for the financial and technical support. He congratulated the Shenzhen Polytechnic for the successful hosting of the Seminar. The Shenzhen Polytechnic, as a new UNESCO Chair on TVET digitalization, has demonstrated its solid commitment to promote digital transformation within the global TVET network. He further acknowledged the great coordination and support from SZPT, GIZ and VETP, and the good work of the UNEVOC Networks in China and Mongolia. Mr. Parua stressed the Seminar had demonstrated to be a model of south-south-north cooperation between the TVET institutions in China, Germany, Mongolia, and UNESCO in making use of the UNESCO Chair and UNEVOC platforms to exchange valuable knowledge, skills, experience, and sharing of good practices in greening TVET.

For more information:

UNESCO TVET Strategy 2022-2029


UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)


UNESCO TVET Programme – Skills for work and life




UNESCO-UNEVOC Greening TVET through strategic partnerships


