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Xiao Gao shares (46) Understanding supply chain management

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First, introduction


Under the background of economic globalization, supply chain management, as an important means for enterprises to improve their competitiveness, has been paid more and more attention. As an important part of supply chain management, logistics serves as a bridge connecting suppliers, manufacturers, sellers and consumers.


Second, logistics characteristics under supply chain management

1. 整合性:供应链管理下的物流将各个环节紧密联系在一起,实现信息、物流、资金的高效流通。

1. Integration: Logistics under supply chain management closely links all links together to achieve efficient circulation of information, logistics and funds.

2. 协同性:各参与主体在供应链管理下共同协作,追求整体最优,而非局部利益。

2. Synergy: all participants work together under supply chain management to pursue the overall optimal rather than partial benefits.

3. 灵活性:供应链管理下的物流可根据市场需求、供应状况等因素调整策略,以适应不断变化的环境。

3. Flexibility: Logistics under supply chain management can adjust its strategy according to market demand, supply situation and other factors to adapt to the changing environment.

4. 可视性:通过信息技术手段,实现物流过程的实时监控,提高透明度。

4. Visibility: Through information technology means, real-time monitoring of logistics processes can be achieved to improve transparency.


Third, logistics optimization strategy under supply chain management

1. 优化物流网络布局

1. Optimize logistics network layout


(1) Reasonable planning of warehouse location to reduce transportation costs. According to product demand, supplier distribution and other factors, choose the appropriate warehouse location, shorten the transportation distance.


(2) Optimize transportation routes and improve transportation efficiency. Using operations research and other methods to design the optimal transportation route and reduce transportation time.

2. 提高物流信息化水平

2. Improve the level of logistics informatization


(1) Establish a supply chain information sharing platform to realize real-time information transmission. Through ERP, WMS and other systems, to achieve the seamless connection of all links of information.


(2) Use big data, Internet of things and other technologies to improve the accuracy of logistics forecasting. Provide decision basis for enterprises to reduce inventory costs.

3. 强化供应链协同

3. Strengthen supply chain collaboration


(1) Strengthen cooperation with suppliers and sellers to achieve resource sharing. Through strategic partnerships, reduce the cost of procurement, sales and other links.


(2) Promote the upstream and downstream enterprises of the supply chain to participate in logistics optimization and improve the overall competitiveness.

4. 优化库存管理

4. Optimize inventory management


(1) Implement fine management to reduce inventory levels. According to market demand, reasonable arrangement of production plan, reduce inventory overhang.


(2) Adopt advanced management methods, such as JIT (just-in-time system), VMI (vendor managed inventory), etc., to improve inventory turnover.






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